Parallel sessions

TUESDAY 10/09/2024 – 10:30 – 11:45


Sala Italia

Chairman: Marcella Guarino

Exploring the link between cow size and sideways lunging using 3D pose estimation
Adrien Kroese, SLU, Sweden

Video methodology for automated analysis of livestock feeding behaviour in indoor settings
Georgina Wager, Harper Adams University, United Kingdom 

Development of a customized network system for cow tracking and positioning
Marco Bovo, University of Bologna, Italy

Improving animal health and welfare by using sensor data in herd management and dairy cattle breeding – a joint initiative of ICAR and IDF
Elsa Vasseur, Mcgill University, Canada 

A direct comparison of two RTLS for dairy cows
Christiane Engels, University of Bonn, Germany


Sala avorio

Chairman: Bernadette O’Brien

Impact of microclimatic conditions on dairy cows’ milk production in an Automatic Milking System: evaluating trends and predictive modeling
Marco Zanchi, University of Milan, Italy 

Effect of clinical mastitis on the magnitude and time of the nadir body condition score during early lactation of Holstein cows
Diego Manriquez, Colorado State University, United States

Comparative Assessment of Lactation Models for Evaluating Herd Productivity: Classical model and Machine Learning techniques
Lucia Trapanese, Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy 

Time series clustering on PLF data from milking systems to understand the pattern on udder health related traits in milk before cow dry-off
Fabio Abeni, Centro di ricerca Zootecnia e Acquacoltura CREA, Italy 

Association between AI generated milk yield residuals as measure of transition success and behavioural patterns in dairy cows
Celien Kemel, Ghent University, Belgium


Sala bianca

Chairman: Dale Polson

Developing an algorithm to monitor fattening pig welfare at group level: the approach proposed by the ClearFarm project
Heng-Lun Ko, University of Murcia, Spain 

Area-specific vocalisation and activity monitoring in pigs
Nick Westendorff, Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology, Germany 

Can we breed for better social behaving pigs, based on feeder station data?
Øyvind Nordbø, Norsvin SA, Norway 

Pulling the rope – predicting tail biting in pigs with the Bite-o-Mat
Josefine Eisermann, Institute for Animal Welfare and Animal Husbandry, Germany 

Study on pig vocalization classification method based on multi-feature fusion
Ligen Yu, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, China


Sala verde

Chairman: María Cambra-López

Identifying the optimal optimization strategy for autoencoders intended for monitoring of poultry audio data
Dan Jensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 

Development of automated measurements of sound indicators for the early detection of health disorders in poultry:  the case of Infectious Bronchitis
Pauline Créach, ITAVI, France 

Identification of four types of vocalization through sound analysis in broiler chickens
Patricia Soster, Ghent University, Belgium 

Optimising barn management: Accurate data extraction for enhanced Animal behaviour analysis using an analytical tool
Gurubaran Raveendran, Leibniz University, Germany 

Chicken run – Individual activity patterns of growing dual-purpose chickens in their home pen
Inga Tiemann, University of Bonn, Germany


Sala rossa

Chairman: Stefania Pindozzi

Greenhouse Gas Flux Dynamics in Central Italy’s Mountain Ecosystems: Effects of Grazing, Abandonment, and Burning
Raffaello Spina, Università degli studi della Tuscia, Italy 

Modelling methane production rates of lactating dairy cows: A hierarchical Bayesian stochastic approach
Cécile Levrault, Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands 

Innovative pig house designs for minimal methane emissions: impact of manure management system
Paria Sefeedpari, Wageningen University, Netherlands 

A comparison of two methods for the ventilation rate estimation of a naturally ventilated buffalo barn
Alessandra Apostolico, University of Naples Federico II, Italy