Parallel sessions

TUESDAY 10/09/2024 – 17:30 – 18:45


Sala Italia

Chairman: Luca Fontanesi

Development of a digital tool for monitoring the behaviour of pre-weaned calves using accelerometer neck-collars.
Oshana Dissanayake, University College Dublin, Ireland

Personality traits of dairy cows: relationship between boldness and habituation to robotic milking to improve precision and efficiency
Martina Lamanna, University of Bologna, Italy

The influence of genetic relatedness on dairy cows’ social behavior in Automatic Milking Systems
Riccardo Moretti, University of Turin, Italy 

Features of 24-h behavioural patterns of dairy herds in relation to milking system, pasture access and season
Lianzhe Shi, Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands 

Analysing the social network dynamics of dairy cows with computer vision
Elena Diaz Vicuna, University of Turin, Italy


Sala avorio

Chairman: Clément Allain

Potential for measuring grazing spatial evenness with GNSS tracking collars
Manuel Jesús García García, University of Cordoba, Spain

Designing a new method using both inertial measurement unit (IMU) and satel-lite-based position sensor with real-time kinematics correction (RTK GNSS) for the study of grazing cows’ behaviors
Nicolas Tilkens, University of Liège, Belgium

Differences in water consumption and temperament of young Nelore and Canchim bulls raised on tropical pastures revealed by electronic monitoring
Alexandre Rossetto Garcia, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Brazil

Behavior recognition of grazing cattle with multi-sensor data based on edge intelligent computing
Luyu Ding, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, China

Localization of grazing cows using Yolov8 object detection and known landmarks
Jérémie Haumont, Technology and Food Science Unit, Belgium


Sala bianca

Chairman: Fabio Abeni

Real-time facial identification of Jersey cows using an edge computing device
Li Lyu, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

The diversity in dairy cattle reticulorumen temperature: Identifying water intake events
Alice Shirley, The University of Sydney, Australia

Utilizing Computer Vision for Beef Cattle Feeding Bunk Score Assessment with a Calan Gate Feeding System
Egleu D. M. Mendes, Texas A&M University, United States

An attempt to predict feed intake of dairy cows using RGB images
Meiqing Wang, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Modelling reticulorumen temperature change from drinking events using Richmann’s Law
Md Shaheenur Rahman, University of Sydney, Australia


Sala verde

Chairman: Luis Miquel Pla-aragones

Feeding the future: Prospects of in ovo feeding for more efficient poultry production
Zehava Uni, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Digital technology adoption trends among French ruminant farmers: a 2023 survey analysis.
Estelle Nicolas, Institut de l’Elevage, France

Bee Mite detection in crowded scenes
Andrea Parmiggiani, KU Leuven, Belgium

Validation and calibration procedure for monitoring system: an aquaculture application
Alberto Barbaresi, University of Bologna, Italy

Development and Implementation of a Precision Livestock Farming System
Tami Brown-Brandl, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States


Sala rossa

Chairman: Stefano Benni

Investigation on the effects of the application of targeted ventilation system in farrowing houses in summer
Longhuan Du, Sichuan animal science academy, China

Effect of different ventilation systems on behavior and welfare of undocked pigs
Enrica Santolini, University of Bologna, Italy

CFD models for the evaluation of natural ventilation in dairy barns: simplified versus refined
Enrica Santolini, University of Bologna, Italy

Examining Air Quality Dynamics in Dairy Farm Milking Parlor and Tunnel-Ventilated Barn Using Automated Sensors
Diego Manriquez, Colorado State University, United States