Poster session and coffee break


Investigation the factors affecting homogeneity index of total mixed ration in dairy buffalo herds
Chiara Evangelista, Università degli studi della Tuscia, Italy

Automated measurement of synchronisation in pair-housed dairy calves: preliminary results
Gaia Pesenti Rossi, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy

Construction of individual tracking dataset for developing foundational models in calving sign monitoring for beef cattle
Michihiro Nakata, Waseda Universtity, Japan

Smart management to reduce the effects of extended heat stress in dairy cows on milk quality traits
Daniela Lovarelli, University of Milan, Italy

Innovations in Real-Time Monitoring of Dairy Cow Feeding Behaviors Utilizing Advanced Deep Learning Techniques  
Namkyu Kang, Sunjin, Republic of Korea

The attended outcomes of the project INstructions from PLF Data Analysis to improve the CATtle farming (INDACAT)
Daniela Lovarelli, University of Milan, Italy

A link between PLF, animal welfare and LCA: the objectives of SUS3D project 
Marco Bovo, University of Bologna, Italy

Use of a robotic milking system by cows of different genotypes reared in a silvopastoral system           
Alexandre Rossetto Garcia, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Brazil

Precision Livestock Farming: Bridging the Gap Between Media Narratives and Scientific Realities in Climate Change Impact
Martina Lamanna, University of Bologna, Italy

Mapping of air temperature and relative humidity in Compost-Bedded Pack Barn systems using a network of easily obtainable recording sensors   
Matteo Barbari, University of Florence, Italy


The effects of smart farm implementation on sow productivity
Byeonghyeon Kim, National Institute of Animal Science, Republic of Korea

A Two-Stage Computer Vision Framework for Individual Recognition and Precision Data Collection Illustrated through Piglets in Farrowing Pens     
Guo Chuanyi, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Construction of Small-Scale Smart Pig Engineering Experimental & Demonstration Facility for Integrated Management of Carbon Emissions in Livestock Facilities       
Sunhyoung Lee, Kongju National University, Republic of Korea

A computer vision-based approach for the behavioral classification of sows and piglets in the farrowing crate              
Pieter-Jan De Temmerman, ILVO – Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Belgium

Effect of a Bacillus spp. cocktail combined with a potato-derived substrate on performance and faecal parameters of post-weaned piglets  
Sandrine Dufourny, Walloon Agricultural Research Centre, Belgium

Air quality monitoring in piggeries through an IoT gas and environmental sensors device
Alberto Finzi, University of Milan, Italy

Optimal sampling interval to study proximity networks in pigs based on computer vision
Clémence A.E.M. Orsini, Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands


Sustainability assessment of egg production as affected by genotype and rearing system         
Federica Volpe, University of Bologna, Italy

Economic effect of implementing e-nose biosensors in poultry production for early disease detection
Jonathan Munoz Perez, Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands

Effect of exogenous melatonin on body temperature of slow-growing chickens, measured by injectable transponders
Carlos Palacios Riocerezo, University of Salamanca, Spain

Assessing the Feasibility of Drone-Assisted Pasture Rotation for Small-Flock Poultry Management: Preliminary Findings             
Pramir Maharjan, Tennessee State University, United States

Detection of chicken breast muscles affected by Wooden Breast abnormality by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and dielectric spectroscopy
Massimiliano Petracci, University of Bologna, Italy

Development of regression model for energy loads prediction of broiler houses in South Korea using building energy simulation        
Kyeongseok Kwon, National Institute of Animal Science, Republic of Korea

Assessment of odour diffusion and health risks from intensive laying hen farms under different topographic and meteorological parameters      
, Research Center of Information Technology, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, China

Development of a mobile broiler Salmonella diagnosis system
Samuel Aggrey, University of Georgia, United States

Behavioural recognition model for laying hens based on skeletal feature points            
Qin Tong, China Agriculture University, China


Camera trap data to estimate wildlife census and habitat use: preliminary results in the Dynamo Oasis (Pistoia, Italy)    
Leonardo Conti, Università degli Studi Firenze, Italy

IoT gas and environmental sensors to monitor air quality in goat farms in Northern Italy to improve animal welfare and environmental sustainability          
Stefania Celozzi, University of Milan, Italy

Can accelerometer devices be a reliable tool for measuring horse lying behavior? A pilot study
Emanuela Dalla Costa, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy